Unlocking Potential Through Mindset: Insights from Ben Crowe

Mastering mindset is crucial for meaningful transformation – unlock it, and the possibilities are limitless.
Remote Work: A Double-Edged Sword for Employers?

Where do you stand in the journey of managing remote work – navigating challenges or reaping the benefits?
Measuring Success and Preparing for the Future: Evaluating Your Transformation Journey

Instalment 5 : Digital Transformation – Congratulations on completing the transformation – but real success depends on what comes next
Best Practices for a Successful Transformation Journey

Instalment 4 : Digital Transformation – Embarking on a transformation journey is a significant endeavour that requires careful planning, execution, and ongoing improvement. Do you know the steps to increase your chances of transformation success?
Overcoming Challenges and Managing Risks in Your Transformation Journey

Instalment 3 : Digital Transformation – Are you prepared for the obstacles that come with business transformation? Discover practical strategies to tackle common challenges and manage risks, setting your transformation journey on a path to success.
Getting Started With Your Transformation Journey: It’s Never Too Late

Instalment 2 : Digital Transformation – Are you worried you’ve missed the boat? It’s never too late to start the journey towards more effective use of technology in your business. Here’s how…
Unleashing the Power of Digital Transformation: A New Era for Businesses

Instalment 1: Digital Transformation – it’s a buzzword you’ve probably heard, but what does it truly mean for your business? How can you harness its power to drive growth, efficiency, and innovation?
Rework: Wasted Time Wasted Money

Rework and waste are not exclusive to manufacturing. They are present, in varying degrees in all organisations. They manifest in various ways. How much waste and rework occurs in your organisation?
Unlock Leadership Potential with Executive Coaching

Leadership isn’t just about titles – it’s about influence, resilience, and the ability to inspire others. The need for capable and adaptive leadership has never been more pressing.
My First Year at Stoke Consulting

As I watch people stuck in traffic heading to their corporate jobs, I reflect on a year of learning, getting out of my comfort zone, and most definitely being the master of my own destiny.