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Government Funding for a New Product

Stoke Consulting - Government Funding for a New Product | Management Consultants

We were engaged by an Australian manufacturer and tasked to secure and manage government funding for a project. The scope of our work included writing a grant funding application and managing the project to completion, achieving all project objectives.


While working on the project, we faced several challenges, including the need for significant upfront investment for a new innovative product. We needed to navigate a complex government grant processes that made it difficult to identify and secure appropriate grants and manage them effectively. Time constraints due to managers’ many priorities presented issues throughout. With a history of under-performance for previous innovative new product opportunities, it was critical to get this funding application right to ensure success for the innovation.


Manufacturing criteria was determined and testing plan was implementedDetailed sales and marketing plan was developedValue of product to each customer segment was calculatedChannels to market were investigated and prioritisedPricing offers were defined and launchedDistributor agreement was draftedA new website and e-commerce strategy were designed and launchedSocial media and website content was produced and managed with cost efficiencyProject management meetings were held only when value-adding and when needed to keep project on trackLeadership coaching to senior management provided


We successfully launched a new product in Australia, exceeding sales targets within the first six months. Our team secured a new distributor and implemented a global sales and marketing plan. As a result of the collaborative effort, the client’s core business grew strongly, allowing management to focus on their day-to-day responsibilities. Overall, our expertise in product launch and marketing strategies resulted in the successful introduction of the new product, meeting the client’s expectations and objectives.