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Navigating Organisational Restructure with Success

Stoke Consulting - Business Coaching | Management Consultants

A restructuring in any organisation can result in some key individuals feeling that they have been overlooked and that their near-term career progression has come to an end.

Ignoring employees who are feeling “a little hard done by” a restructure can result in adverse performance trends, often right at the time the organisation and their colleagues need their experience and knowledge the most.


A Stoke Consulting client in the professional services industry had commenced implementing a major restructure of their business. The aim was to increase focus on their target market segments. As the restructure took effect, management was concerned by early indicators of a reduced level of motivation shown by some key mid-level executives. Those who had not been successful in securing larger roles.

There were formal and quality development plans for those few in the organisation who had increased responsibilities, but little consideration had been given to other key personnel.


Stoke Consulting worked with senior leaders in the organisation to develop a targeted type of mentoring, using both Stoke Consulting and internally appointed mentors. The program had three component parts. First, it helped each person develop a deeper appreciation of the purpose in their role. Second, it provided a personal challenge to each participant asking them to define exemplary rather than good or even great role performance. Finally, it assisted participants in clarifying their career aspirations and potential paths to achieve them. The program operated over 6 months.


The people involved in this program reported enhanced job satisfaction and engagement while their managers reported improved quality of outcomes and discretionary effort. But the best outcome? The coaching culture initiated through the program has continued and is still driving enhanced performance.


Kevin Wallace
Stoke Consulting

Kevin guides business leaders through their toughest challenges to achieve their goals.  With a deep understanding of organisational issues and a broad business knowledge base, Kevin is a valuable external asset to any team. His talent for deep listening helps him uncover root causes and develop tailored solutions. Kevin thrives on complexity and brings proven concepts, applied experience, and personalisation to every project.