Remote Work: A Double-Edged Sword for Employers?
Where do you stand in the journey of managing remote work – navigating challenges or reaping the benefits?
When it’s Ok to Micromanage
Micromanagement can be extremely effective in the right circumstances. Especially by a skilled manager. It’s a skillful task that requires an element of coaching and mentoring for a manager to be able to master the skill of micromanagement without building resentment withing the team.
The Anfractuous Path of Self-Development
Self-development isn’t a straightforward journey. Instead, it’s an anfractuous path, full of twists, turns, unexpected detours, occasional setbacks, and surprising opportunities.
Harnessing the Power of Intrinsic Values: Navigating the Perils of Extrinsic Motivation
Understanding the balance between intrinsic and extrinsic values in leadership is crucial for shaping organisational culture, driving sustainable growth, and fostering an engaged, resilient workforce.
The Growth Hack No One Talks About
Why do so many mid-sized businesses struggle to achieve sustained growth? Often, a year or so of high growth is followed by stagnation. More pointedly, why do we see so many under new management businesses experience renewed growth?
Unlocking Leadership Potential: The Art of Effective Conversations
Have you ever wondered how some leaders effortlessly inspire and align their teams, while others struggle despite their best efforts?
It’s not you, it’s me
Both leadership and followership matter. And that in combination is unbeatable. Followership also matters because even the most senior leader is also a follower. They report to someone.
Think With The End in Mind: A Path to Effective Leadership
All successful managers sometimes get caught up with immediate tasks and short-term goals. However, as we navigate our careers and personal lives, it’s crucial to regularly take a step back and consider the bigger picture.
Three Simple Hacks to Generate an Extra Half A Day per Week For Your High Performing Teams
According to research by Rogelberg (2023), improving meeting effectiveness can save employees more than 4 hours per week. Following are three of the most common, simple and most powerful meeting opportunities that Stoke Consulting observe when helping teams become high performing.
25 Leadership Books Every Manager Should Read in Their Career
It has been statistically shown many times that the effectiveness of the leaders in a business is one of the most important variables linked to success.